
卓更上海创意总监Romain Araud

文章出处:金沙官网首页 人气:发表时间:2024-09-14 01:45
本文摘要:Romain Araud Award-Winning Creative Director from Paris Joins Dragon Rouge Greater China 卓更上海创意总监Romain Araud Award winning Creative Director Romain Araud joins the team in Shanghai after two and half years at Dragon Rouge Paris. In Paris


Romain Araud Award-Winning Creative Director from Paris Joins Dragon Rouge Greater China 卓更上海创意总监Romain Araud Award winning Creative Director Romain Araud joins the team in Shanghai after two and half years at Dragon Rouge Paris. In Paris Romain led the arRomain Araud Award-Winning Creative Director from Paris Joins Dragon Rouge Greater China 卓更上海创意总监Romain AraudAward winning Creative Director Romain Araud joins the team in Shanghai after two and half years at Dragon Rouge Paris. In Paris Romain led the art direction for Asian cigarette brand Mevius and also worked on brand creation projects for various alcohol brands.In Shanghai Romain will lead the creative work for our full roster of clients some of which include Mengniu Diageo Tsingtao The Coca-Cola Company and Mondelēz.在加入卓更上海团队之前,Romain Araud曾担任卓更巴黎的创意总监。在巴黎的两年半间,Romain曾担纲亚洲香烟品牌梅比乌斯的美术设计,并为多个酒类品牌的创立项目提供设计。在上海,Romain负责领导所有客户项目的创意设计,包括蒙牛、帝亚吉欧、青岛、可口可乐和亿滋。

Romain previously worked at Brand Union and Futurebrand for brands such as Havana Club Heineken Remy Martin Nespresso Pattex and an array of cigarette brands. He also has a wealth of experience of working with luxury brands like Givenchy Jean-Paul Gaultier and Martel.此前,Romain曾在Brand Union和Futurebrand任职,服务过的品牌包括哈瓦那俱乐部、喜力、人头马、雀巢Nespresso、汉高百得以及一系列香烟品牌。他还拥有丰富的奢侈品品牌设计经验,包括纪梵希、Jean-Paul Gaultier和Martel。

Having travelled worldwide Romain brings an international perspective to the team in Shanghai. His experience in photography film and art direction will no doubt take the business in new and exciting directions in Asia.Romain在世界各地的游历经历,为上海团队带来了国际化的视野。而他在摄影、电影以及美术设计方面的深厚造诣,无疑会将卓更的亚洲业务带往更新、更激动人心的方向。作品:美汁源淳萃青岛纯生ABOUT DRAGON ROUGE:关于卓更Dragon Rouge is a global design and innovation business that’s different to work with–and work for. We are a privately-owned boutique-style consultancy with French heritage and an obsession for high-quality solutions. We use insights and creativity to help our clients achieve superior brand performance.卓更是一家全球设计与创意咨询公司,对于客户和员工而言,卓更都是如此与众不同。我们源自法国,是一家私营的精品式咨询公司,执着于提供优质的解决方案。


我们以洞察和创意,帮助客户实现优越的品牌表现。We believe the best brands are those that go beyond expectations. They don’t just do the job – they go deeper and become the fabric of our lives. We work hard to build the brands that create more that make a positive difference and have lasting value. These are the brands that deliver sustainable success and make the world a better more rewarding place to be.我们相信,最好的品牌必定是超越预期的,它不满足于现状,而是挖掘得更深,最终与我们的生活交织在一起。我们致力于品牌的打造,让品牌能创造更多、产生积极的变化、拥有长久的价值。这样的品牌,它的成功是可持续的,也会让我们的世界变成更美好的家园。

Dragon Rouge is currently helping these clients and more build their brands in China and the Greater China region - Tsingtao Coca-Cola Mondelēz Mengniu Diageo Shui Jing Fung Baijiu Hyatt General Mills and more strong consumer and corporate brands.卓更目前正在协助以下客户在中国大陆及大中华区打造他们的品牌:青岛啤酒、可口可乐、亿滋、蒙牛、帝亚吉欧、水井坊、凯悦酒店、通用磨坊以及其他知名的消费者品牌和企业品牌。





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